Zhao Yao will participate in the Rockbund Art Museum group exhibition An Opera for Animals

2019. 06. 22-2020. 08. 25

Taking the different forms and development of "opera" as inspiration, "Million Object Song" explores the significance of performance and imagination in different periods and contexts. As an art form, opera attempts to integrate aesthetics, whether through the creation of myths, the writing of events, the arrangement of music, or the invention of new technologies. Among them, the three works to be exhibited by Zhao are all from his Great Performance (2014) series, which is another concentrated attempt of his on the relationship between form and content. The series started from two media news pictures, remade on iPad kaleidoscope and printed on artificial leather, combining various elements of carnival, riot, rally and game together to form the performance, which involves multiple relationships between form and content, image and narrative, image and meaning.

The work liberates images from discourse and returns to discourse, discussing the multiplicity of visual culture in contemporary society. Works use content to interfere with form and use form to dissolve content, so great performance is not a response to a specific narrative, but a scene of form and content of humanistic practice.

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