Ma Qiusha will participate in a new online exhibition Out of Blueprints which speicially presented by NOWNESS on May 22, 2020. The exhibition is based on artist Cao Fei's solo exhiibition "Blueprints" at Serpentine Gallery. Due to the COVID-19, artist Cao Fei's solo exhibition is forced to close. The exhibition Out of Blueprints presents how artists and institutions have transformed the dilemma of self-isolation from adversity into innovative opportunity. The exhibition will open until August 4th, 2020.
In the 2011 single-channel video Twilights is the Ashes of Dusk (2011), Ma Qiusha focuses her camera on the street lights on Chang'an Street and the scene beneath it. At the moment, there is no specific description of one thing, a person or an event or even a sight in this political space. Waiting for the street light to turn off, the darkness of the city has slowly emerged. The turning off of the street lights indicate a brand new day, the beginning of the city and hope. However, through the lens, it is a different thing.
Ma Qiusha said, the sunset and dawn are the most exquisite and fascinating images she had ever seen. The artist has always has an interest in such moments.In Twilights is the Ashes of Dusk (2011), she tried to capture this scene with a camera a minute before and after the sun slides over the horizon at dawn on Chang'an Street. To Ma Qiusha, this scene was wholly abstract and wholly concrete. At the same time, it contains all the cases that can be monitered, as well as the complaints that have not been fullfilled.